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  • Realization of acoustic telework environment for intellectual activity (Tohoku University)


Research classification

  • AI usage for remote circumstance enhancement

Stages of technologies

  • Idea level research based on his/her own technologies

Applied AI technologies

  • correlation analysis between acoustic features of the environment and intellectual activity

When people are collaborating and doing intellectual activity, they usually share a certain environment and communicate in the enviroment. In this research, we develop such environment virtually at the acoustical point of view. Acoustic features which are effective to enhance intellectual activity are analyzed using AI technology. Then, the virtual acoustic environment is realized based on the analysis. This virtual acoustic environment would be used to advanced telework.

Laboratories, researchers, and contact address

Shuichi Sakamoto, Advanced acoustic information systems laboratory

E-mail : saka[atmark]ais.riec.tohoku.ac.jp

