Started demonstration experiment of ''light traffic control system'' by autonomous and distributed AI signal control
ーAiming to establish the traffic control system required in the Society 5.0 eraー
- Applications
- Mobility Other AI and Society topics Visual processing
- New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
NEDO and the UTMS Association are adapting to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) that utilizes traffic information acquired from radio radar and probe information (position information) in the "Realization of a smart society by applying artificial intelligence technology" project. We are working to establish a traffic control system using a type of autonomous and distributed traffic signal. As a result, we aim to realize a "light traffic control system" that is equal to or better than the conventional advanced centralized traffic control system at low cost.
Today, as part of this, with the cooperation of the National Police Agency and the Shizuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters, we will start a demonstration experiment on actual roads at 12 intersections in Shizuoka Prefecture. In this demonstration experiment, we plan to shorten the signal control performance and average travel time at intersections, and to verify the grasp of pedestrians at pedestrian crossings, etc., and the average travel time is about 15 to 20% compared to the current traffic lights. It is expected to contribute to improving time benefits and reducing CO2 by shortening the time.
Through this project, we aim to establish the traffic control system required in the Society 5.0 era, including the realization of autonomous driving and high-speed, large-capacity communication.
https://www.nedo.go.jp/news/press/AA5_101523.html [Japanese Only]