Request for a questionnaire related to AI R&D in Japan
- AI and Society
- Education Opinion
- Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office
- https://form.cao.go.jp/cstp/en_opinion-0004.html
In cooperation with AI Japan R&D Network, the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry are considering concrete strategies to promote "Development of R&D bases that are attractive and chosen from researchers around the world" and "Emergent R&D in which world-class researchers can lead the world with their freedom and originality," based on the AI Strategy 2019 and the AI Strategy 2019 follow-up in Japan.
In particular, with regard to acquiring human resources such as excellent AI researchers and engineers and improving the R&D environment in Japan, we intend to collect a wide range of issues, identify common issues, and make improvements.
Therefore, we shall conduct a questionnaire survey targeting those in (1) management positions and (2) researcher/engineer positions at laboratories and/or centers engaged in AI R&D. Thank you for your cooperation.
This questionnaire can be answered regardless of whether your organization is a member of AI Japan R&D Network. The representatives of the member organizations are requested to inform those in management positions and researcher/engineer positions at laboratories and/or centers engaged in AI R&D in each organization about the cooperation of this questionnaire survey.
The questionnaire is divided into two categories, (1) "For management positions" and (2) "For research andengineer positions" as shown below. Please respond to one of the two surveys according to your position.
●Questionnaire for management positions
Japanese form | English form
Purpose: To identify problems faced by the hiring side of researchers and engineers and to take suitable actions on these problems.
Target: Associate Professor, Professor, General Manager, Head of Department, Head of Center, etc.
●Quetionnaire for research and engineer positions
Japanese form | English form
Purpose: To identify the problems that researchers and engineers face when they find positions at Japanese universities and national research institutes, and when they actually work after finding their positions.
Target: Assistant Professor, Researcher, Engineer, Technical Officer, etc.
■ The deadline for the survey: October 16, 2020.
■ Contact Us: Bureau of Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
Telephone : 03-6257-1335
AI and Society